Molla Lutfi Tokadi (d. 900/1494): His Life, Works and Philosophical Thoughts

Molla Lutfi (d. 900/1494) was one of the outstanding figures of the Ottoman times. His unjust execution took an important part from the Turkish culture. He was put to death by the jealous scholars of his time. The claims put forward, which caused the death of Molla Lutfi, were not valid, and the judgement for his execution has always been a point of discussion both in his time and in the following years. That he always criticised other scholars plays very important role in his death. Molla Lutfi wrote a lot on philosophy, theology, classification of sciences, maths, logic and linguistics. Among his works Taz‘îf al-Mazbah which is about math and deals with “Delos Problem” (Doublication of the Altar), Mavzûât al-‘Ulûm (Subject Matters of Sciences) in which he made the classification of sciences and Risâle fî Uslu Şucâ‘ in which he criticised the scientific and administrative structure of his time are original books in their own fields. His philosophy of existence is based on Ibn Sina's thought, which is about existence and essence. He divided administration into two parts as religious and rational, and stated that both the Caliph and the Sultan should have the same qualifications. His ethics is based on the classical theory of ethics. The main purpose in ethics is to reach the good. His critical point of view, works and thoughts stated in this article differ him from the scholars of his time. İbrahim MARAŞ
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