The Disputation Method in the Ottoman-Turkish Thought and Abdunnafî Iffet's Commentary: Tercume-i Âdâb-ı Gelenbevî

The science called "munâzara" in Islamic philosophy is comprehensive method of disputation, which has a direct relationship with logic. Also, this method (munâzara) has a connection with theology by means of the dialectic (cedel) that is important for theological dispute, and a connection with jurisprudence by means of the juridical dispute (hilâf). ?Munazara? had a central position in the Ottoman madrasa system and educational programs. Because of its central position, especially advancing through the middle (iktisâd) and high (istiksâ) levels of madrasas was based on analysis (tahlîl) and critique (tanqîd) as main criteria. Although this disputation method was established before Ottomans, studies about this method gained a vigorous and dominant character in the Ottoman period. In this context, Tercume-i Âdâb-ı Gelenbevî written by Abdünnâfî İffet Efendi is one of the most important texts that indicate the high level this method reached in the Ottoman-Turkish thought. İlker KÖMBE
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