On R. A. Nicholson's Mathnawî translation and Commentary

British orientalist, who dedicated his life to Rumî, Reynold Alleyne Nicholson (1868-1945), is one of the most famous orientalists in the Western world. Nicholson's greatest work was his edition, translation and commentary on Rumî's Mathnawî. He started with editing the more than 25,000 lines of the poem from a variety of medieval and early modern manuscripts. Nicholson's work was an excellent critical edition of the Persian text, and a full translation, supplemented by extensive notes and commentary intended to facilitate the scholarly study of it, particularly the theosophy of Rumî. His notes include references to earlier Sufî doctrines and poets, giving specific relevant background information to help with the understanding of Rumî's allusions. In this article, I try to present Nicholson and his work to Turkish readers, from a critical perspective.
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