Reading the Qur’an in Light of the Modern Science: The Case of Tantawi Jawhari

The category of “scientific commentary,” which is defined as the interpretation of the Qur’an in light of the existing scientific concepts and knowledge, particularly of natural sciences, is an old tradition whose roots go back to the Abbasid period. This article will first present an over-view of the historical development of the scientific commentary of the Qur’an, and then exam-ine the perspective of the Egyptian intellectual Tantawi Jawhari (d. 1940), who is considered to be the founder and one of the most important representatives of this approach to the Qur’an in the modern period. Interpreting the Qur’an in light of modern scientific developments in his al-Jawahir and other works, Jawhari’s project aims to disprove the idea of a conflict between Is-lam and science on the one hand, and to draw Muslims’ attention to modern sciences, on the other. Suat MERTOĞLU
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