The Constituent Effect of Practice on the Modern Science: Solidarity between Homo Faber and Homo Economicus

Main views on the emergence of Modern Science as a revolution in history of thought entail the assumption that its epistemological foundations were unique to the West and reached its maturity after the industrial revolution in terms of determining the common needs of the society. This article argues, in the context of the background of the development of natural philosophy, that daily practices and mechanical arts played a crucial role in rivalry among the social classes for building an ontological security. The problem of the emblematic view of the outside world offered an opportunity for the experimental science and mechanical arts to be the only way of producing knowledge suitable to facts. The continuity of this situation was ensured by the solidarity of the bourgeoisie and artisans as social classes in their survival struggle ending with high level of influence in the society. This process resulted in the controllable and verifiable order of knowledge, causing the transformation of the mindset towards the emergence of the contemporary tekhne. Selami ÇALIŞKAN
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