Why Ibn Khaldûn?

Most of the problems encountered by researchers focusing on Ibn Khaldûn studies originate directly from his Muqaddimah. In the first place, the inconspicuous expressions, obscure terms and complicated compositions within the text confuse the researcher. Moreover, running into many sentences and statements in the Muqaddimah which we had previously assumed to belong to one of the prominent philosophers of the modern age aggravates the problem even worse. At the same time, the researcher himself or his way of treating the Haldunian thought has to be accounted for most of the responsibility concerning these contradictory interpretations. This study, above all, attempts to present the views of Ibn Khaldûn exactly as they are and exactly as he articulates them within a totalistic framework. In the process, it plans to give consideration to his personal endeavors and social experiences all of which we assume to serve as a special source for the emergence and development of the Arabic political and social thought Muhammed Âbid EL-CÂBİRÎ
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