Some Notes on How the Russian Turks Perceived the Proclamation of the Constitution in 1908

The proclamation of the Constitution in 1908 gave rise to a great excitement in the Islamic world in general. The reaction of the Turks in Russia to the proclamation of the Constitution for the second time in 1908 is an important topic. The Turks in Russia perceived the proclamation as the most important step towards the revival of the Ottoman State and Islamic world, which was already suffering from disintegration. The newspapers and magazines published by the Turks in Russia during this period such as Tarjuman, Vakit, and Yulduz treated the Ottoman Constitution as their main topic and constantly informed their readers about the events related to the Constitution. In this essay, I will summarize some of these reports and comments appeared in the aforementioned newpapers and magazines. İhsan DEMİRBAŞ
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